Church Leadership Co-operative

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My Dual Life

“How do you do it?” is the question I’m often asked.  Sometimes I even ask myself, “Why am I doing this?”  I serve as the lead pastor of my church, and I also serve as the deputy commissioner and chief administrative officer of a state agency.  So, one day I am sitting in a Board meeting at the agency, and a few days later I’m preaching a sermon on a Sunday at the church. There are days when I start my day with a meeting at the agency, transition to give a eulogy at a funeral, come back to wrap up my day at the agency, and end the day with a meeting at church that night.  This list of responsibilities in these two jobs goes on and on, and it also doesn’t include spending time with my wife or children.

Most days being bi-vocational feels like I’m working two full-time jobs, but I feel these roles complement each other in many ways.  For example, the Book of Discipline refers to the pastor as the administrative officer of the church, and serving as the deputy commissioner and chief administrative officer helps me be a better lead pastor, a role that I have served in for more than a decade.  Serving as a pastor helps me to be more compassionate as a leader at the agency where I have also served for more than a decade.

Serving as a bi-vocational pastor can at times can be overwhelming.  I often feel like there’s never enough time to get everything done.  But somewhere along the line, I remember God’s grace is sufficient, and in my times of weakness, God helps me be strong.  Being vulnerable at times helps me to realize more than ever the importance of collaboration with lay members of my congregation and my colleagues at my office because together we advance God’s kingdom.

I realize that I am immensely blessed to have the ability to share ministry in two spheres of the world where I can make an impact for God.