Church Leadership Co-operative

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God Is With Us

God frequently makes the promise and declaration, "I am with you," throughout Scripture. It's a particularly comforting and awe-inspiring statement. The God of the Universe, the high and lofty one, the omniscient, omnipotent, all-wise God is with me. Closer than my next breath. The God who planted Eden, set the rainbow in the sky, parted the Red Sea, danced with Miriam and David, fed Elijah, chased Jonah, called Mary, ate with Peter, hid with Harriet Tubman, walked with Mother Teresa, showed Dr. Martin Luther King Jr the Promised Land from the mountaintop, and loved the whole world- this God is with me right now. I don't have to Zoom or call, wear a mask or sit 6 feet apart. Like the Prayer of Saint Patrick says, "...Christ with me, Christ before me, Christ behind me, Christ in me, Christ beneath me, Christ above me, Christ on my right, Christ on my left..."

I find it difficult to get away from screens right now. I feel very literally out of touch with reality and what is right here with me. Out of touch with God who is right here with me. The other day I had many things that needed to be done, but I felt God's invitation. I stopped, picked up a shovel and went out to the backyard. For 30 minutes I shoveled the wet earth transplanting some grasses. I had mud under my fingernails and caked to my shoes. Although it's been a long time since I have received the sacrament, a tangible reminder of God's presence with us in the bread and cup, I felt as though I had touched the body of Christ. Touching the earth, feeling the alive-ness of the grass and the coolness of the air, reminded me in a sensory way that God is indeed with me.