The 3 C's

What characteristics should the adults who work with teens and college-age students have? The 3 “C’s” answer this question succinctly and powerfully: they must be compassionate, consistent, and Christlike.

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Wes Ingram
Broken and Beautiful

We ate and we celebrated with each other. We cried and prayed and laughed together. It was in these moments I really felt that we were being the church as it’s supposed to be: broken and beautiful and walking in grace and redemption.

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Kayla Mattox
Why I'm Thankful

My years of experience in ministry, and my experience with The Co-op, make me want to continue to be involved in the life of the church for years to come.

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Ben Salvador
Engage Your Neighbors

The night of the raid, we stayed on the side of the road with our neighbors waiting for their loved ones to be released. I rocked a baby who had not seen his mother all day and was completely unconsolable. This moment of holding this little boy changed my entire life…

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Jamie Wilburn Beatty

There is a thing called negativity bias, which means we’re more likely to remember the negative parts of any given thing, even our ministries and lives. Knowing this, be aware of your biases, and think about what HAS happened and how the Lord has used that.

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Max Weisskopf
Don't Be Afraid

I am prone to anxiety. It’s comforting to me how many times God, angels, and prophets say “don’t be afraid” throughout the Bible. When I read those words, I realize I’m not alone in my tendency to fear, and I am comforted that God cares about my anxious heart.

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Lori Galambos
What A Year It's Been

Perhaps you have a desire to explore meaningful work that both utilizes your gifts while also pushing you to take on new challenges and opportunities. Perhaps you’re hungry for an intentional community that draws you into the type of life of prayer and practice that opens you up to transformation. 

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Billy Rainey

We are called to be a people who hold true to their promises in a manner that points toward the God who is faithful in all of his promises to us. It’s a big charge to keep! But thanks be to God, we don’t have to do so alone. 

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Billy Rainey
I Wanted To Leave The Church

You see, I wanted to leave the church and be far away from ministry in doing so, and tried so

hard to find things to pursue that were similar to ministry, but God kept saying no, and plans kept

falling through. It only took two weeks of straight prayer and a few handfuls of meltdowns with

close friends and peers in ministry to convince me that I knew I had a call to ministry even if I

kept running from it.

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What Are You Doing Next Summer?

“When I finally responded to God’s call on my life, I wasn’t alone in my prayer closet or by myself reading scripture. I was in regular conversation with a small community of close friends who ate and prayed and worshipped together on a weekly basis.”

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Chris McAlilly
Calling In Community

There is something sacred about preparing a meal together, gathering around the table, and sharing about life with the only agenda being to grow deeper together.

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Aislinn Kopp
How do you know my name?

"Wait, how do you know my name?”

I don’t hear Luke’s response, but Camille takes it as acceptable and the two continue to set up decorations that will welcome family and friends to the party.

In all of these situations, the child rarely, if ever, says anything after I or another adult offer an answer to their surprised question.

It’s almost like they pause and stop to soak in the feeling of being known.

Isn’t this a great reminder to stop and soak in the feeling of being known by God?

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Taylor Davenportname, loved, known